18 January 2022

Style Lately

I would have never thought to pair together this magenta (or is it fuchsia?) hue
with the tan color, but it totally works IMO. Are there any more “unusual” color
pairings you guys love? I’m always on the lookout for ideas. 💕
exact: coat, now $90 / loafers, now $80
sim: sweater 

My outfit hues today mean: I’m early for Valentine’s Day, ready for the
NCAA championship game, or I just like to matchy-match. ☑️❤️
exact: sweater $28
sim: coat, now $100 / removable collar $11

When the weather outside is frightful … so I’ll work from home, stay cozy &
try not to think about having to run to the market later (ugh, outside). ❄️ 
exact: pullover $109 / sneakers, now $65
sim: shirt $69

Working from home this holiday week, so I am wearing ALL the comfy
things & finding my stretchiest bottoms in prep for the Eat-fest (Thanksgiving)
to ensue later this week. 🍗
sim: pullover, now $19 / hair tie $12 / earrings $48

Casual winter Friday. Little bit of snow out, means cozy jacket required.
Hope you’re all staying safe & warm. ❄️
sim: coat $129 / shirt $59 / boots $99

Spots so nice, I had to wear them twice. 😽
exact: sweater, now $87 / belt $29 / watch $225
sim: top, now $40 / pants $53

Been binging my hub’s current fave show #yellowstone (think Sons of Anarchy,
but with wealthy landowners on horseback), so my outfit today is my (loose)
idea of “Dutton Ranch style”. 🌲
sim: cardigan / boots $58 / bag

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