05 March 2021

Style Lately

Outfit reprieve from the reds & pinks from this week. Today’s look is
slightly nautical, slightly preppy, slightly tomboy, all me 😊.
exact: blazer
sim: sweater / shirt

When I’m ready to break out new spring things, but it’s still
technically 🥶 in the mornings 💚.
exact: dress / glasses
sim: coat / shoes / clutch

Already planning to wear these everywhere once the temps warm up a bit 🥰.
exact: mules

Casual office day (thus jeans & simple sweater) but you know I’ll take any excuse
to get dressed at this point, so I added a blazer & silk scarf just because 🧡.
exact: boots

Red & pink done casual. One of my fave color combos, even though it
gives off guaranteed Valentine vibes (not that there’s anything wrong with
showing more love to the world) 💕.
exact: watch / bracelet / belt
sim: shirt / sweater

Happy March, everyone 🌸 I’m hoping this March will treat us more
gently than the last one 🤞Keep hanging in there, we’ve all got this ❤️.
sim: mules / bag / blouse

Finally found some blue light glasses wide enough to fit my face 🌞.
exact: glasses / sneakers

1 comment:

  1. All of these outfits are so good! I especially love the first one with its nautical vibes. =)

    I hope you are having a great week!


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