The low I-can-actually-afford-these-things end of my wishlist. Actually about to hit "buy" on that cuddly BB Dakota coat right now even though I won't be able to wear it for probably another two months.

The mid have-to-really-think-about-whether-I-want-to-spend-all-that-money-on-one-item part of my wishlist. The Tory Burch purse is a gorgeous shade of red though.

The true "wish" part of my wishlist - the luxe items. I'm a sucker for a nice handbag and MCM has made a few of my recent favorite silhouettes.
As a bonus, Shopbop's sale items are on sale! Starting today for three days only, get an additional 20% off special sale styles with code TREAT20. This promotion ends on Thursday at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time. Shop early to get the best picks!
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