09 November 2021

Style Lately

Spotted: a #jcreweverything kind of day ๐Ÿ˜ธ.
exact: belt $29
sim: jacket $54 / top $40 / pants $89

Make it a good Casual Friday, guys & look forward to another beautiful (๐Ÿคž)
fall weekend ๐Ÿ.
exact: jacket $168 (or factory version for $69) / sneakers $60
sim: vest now $22 / sweater $39

I always like that peep of collar under a loose sweater. 
And a rare red lippy for me to โ€œmake it fancyโ€ ๐Ÿ’‹.
exact: sweater $40 / earrings $34 (or factory dupe for $14) / lip color $6
sim: shirt $47

New day, new week, same me. And thatโ€™s a-okay ๐Ÿ‘!
sim: sneakers $58 / shirt $25

These past two years have definitely seen my sneaker collection grow. 
Adding these new babies to the family ๐Ÿงก.
exact: sneakers $80 / sweatshirt on sale

This IS my Halloween costume ๐Ÿ‘ป Have a chill holiday Sunday - 
and may it be filled with way more treats than tricks ๐ŸŽƒ.
sim: shirt on sale

Simply styled for fall. Have yourself the Sunday that you want ๐Ÿ.
exact: blazer
sim: shirt $25 / sweater on sale

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