24 June 2021

Style Lately

If it’s in gingham print and has a bow on it, count me in. New dress
(scored on sale) to help get me started for this new week 🧡.
exact: jacket
sim: dress or solid blue / tote / shoes

Today’s basic outfit, or rather, adventures in keeping white jeans clean 🧼.

A subtle nod to the #redwhiteandblue & always a bit of #patternmixing ❤️.
sim: shorts / top

I don’t know why, but going back to work feels extra difficult after a three day weekend.
So I am making it as easy for myself as possible with today’s outfit.
Happy Tuesday, everyone ❤️.

Always a good idea to have protective forces - like evil eye talismans to bring
good luck, or pretzel charms to honor the carbohydrate gods … #tgif guys,
it’s felt like a long week 👁🥨.
exact: dress

Casual … ly dressing my way through the week. And this top makes
it easy - it’s loose & breezy with just enough detail (split-neck, puffed sleeves)
to feel a little special ❤️.
exact: top

Gingham x 2. And both pieces together are currently less than $40. I like
looking cute for cheap. Happy Sunday 🌞.
sim: watch

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