10 May 2022

Style Lately

The unbearable lightness of … my legs. Put on your sunnies, folks, because my 
pasty limbs are going to enjoy the good weather. 😎🌿
exact: sneakers $65 / sunglasses now $30
sim: shorts $10 / sweater $44 / tote

Simple outfit, but of course I’m got to mix those patterns to keep me interesting. 🤓
exact: belt $19 / pants $56
sim: sweater $80

Feeling like dressing “pretty” this weekend, so my interpretation of that is soft
pinks, floral prints & a bit of lace. Have a nice (& hopefully restful) weekend. ☺️🌸
exact: blouse $22 / skirt $35 / sandals $99
sim: jacket $69 / clutch $48

New kicks for spring, you know I can’t resist them. I have a penchant for #newbalance -
what brand of sneakers do you guys adore? 🌸
exact: sneakers $85

When you’re ready for spring weather, but your toes are not - mules to save the day! 😎
exact: mules $25 / glasses $13
sim: sweatshirt $48 / shirt $40

I am all about the denim jackets this spring. What are you into on the style side right now? 🌸
exact: jacket $45
sim: top $69 / earrings $20

Chilly spring mornings season. Perfect weather for an easy dress & a new trench. 🍄
sim: dress $50 / belt

18 March 2022

Style Lately

sim: trench on sale / blouse / shoes $39 / tote $160

exact: loafers $45
sim: tote $365

exact: pants $46 / sweater $49
sim: shirt $49 / loafers on sale

sim: removable collar $11 (dupe!) / sweater on sale / coat $140

exact: blazer 25% off with SHOPSPRING
sim: blouse $59 / skirt $37 / shoes $73

exact: striped top now $12
sim: sweater $75 / bracelet $38

exact: sweater $28 / boots now $75
sim: coat $170

24 February 2022

Style Lately

It finally works out for me that I am wearing pink on a Wednesday. And lots
sim: coat on sale / sweater now $60 / shoes $59 / clutch $59

Are furry vests still a thing? I bought this snuggly piece a few winters ago but haven’t
had the chance to wear it more than a handful of times - better wear it now before
I “lose” it in my closet again. 🧸
sim: vest $84 / leopard sweatshirt $18 / shirt $39 / boots $70

I’m lucky with my job in that I get to #wfh part-time, so there are a few days of the
week where I have an excuse to dress up … & others where I can slub it out if I felt
like it. Today is a “slubbing but still have life appointments” day so there are real shoes
(& pants) involved. What’s your work situation like, & how are you liking it? 🐪
exact: sneakers $85 / striped sweater $28 / coat now $75

TGI-FINALLY- Friday! It’s probably just me, but I feel like it’s been the loooongest week,
so I am so looking forward to the weekend. I hope that even with the Super Bowl &
V-Day right around the corner, that you all can make time for yourselves these next
few days to relax, recharge & enjoy the moments. 💚
exact: clutch
sim: sweater $59 / lace top $28 / shoes now $35

We are getting to that time of the year where most of us are O-V-E-R cold weather
AND also trying to wear all our winter clothes “while we still can”. Fella clothes
hoarders, you get me. 😅
sim: coat $75 / sweater $38 / gingham shirt $46

t’s another cold one for a lot of us, so keep it cozy (& may as well also eat
something tasty, since it’s Sunday after all & that should be reason enough
to do almost anything). 😉
exact: coat now $75 / sweater $34 / loafers $89 / used version of the tote
sim: gingham shirt now $19

Just add spots (& some BRIGHT pink) to jazz up a plain ole outfit. 💗
exact: loafers now $60 / pants $54
sim: sweater on sale / jacket $69

12 February 2022

Style Lately

I got this sweater last year from the big kids’ section & adore it. If you’re a shortie
like me, don’t sleep on checking out the big kids’ clothing (or shoes for that matter)!
Cute styles & less money are my thing. ❤️
sim: sweater $18 / shirt $54 / shoes $42

Leopard print & B&W stripes are considered basics (& neutrals) in my book. So
wearing these two prints together is my idea of keeping things simple. geth😸
exact: striped top $23
sim: sweater $75 / shoes $50 / bracelet $105

When the color combo on the kids’ shoes are too cool to ignore … ❤️ When it comes
to sizing from the big kids’ section, I suggest selecting 1.5 sizes down from your normal
ladies’ shoe size (i.e., I am a ladies’ 7.5 & ordered these kicks in a big kids’ 6). ❤️
exact: sneakers now $60 / jacket now $44

Always a fan of pairing leopard print with green. Casual winter weekend style. 💚 
exact: loafers $75 / blazer $228
sim: shirt $26 / sweater $46

Winter layers … & boots that I rarely wear out because I am obsessed with them
& know I’ll never be able to find another pair & don’t want to scuff
them up. This is perfectly normal behavior, right … 🍂
sim: jacket now $85 / sweater $20 / shirt $42 / boots $64

“Ruffles have ridges” & so does my collar. Feeling a bit Elizabethan today … 👸🏻 
exact: collar $11
sim: sweater $35 / blazer $140

These pieces are all oldies, but they are absolutely 🍒 (& it’s sunny out &
no snow, so I am voluntarily going to freeze my toes for this outfit). 😅
sim: skirt $28 / sweater $47 / shoes $42

18 January 2022

Style Lately

I would have never thought to pair together this magenta (or is it fuchsia?) hue
with the tan color, but it totally works IMO. Are there any more “unusual” color
pairings you guys love? I’m always on the lookout for ideas. 💕
exact: coat, now $90 / loafers, now $80
sim: sweater 

My outfit hues today mean: I’m early for Valentine’s Day, ready for the
NCAA championship game, or I just like to matchy-match. ☑️❤️
exact: sweater $28
sim: coat, now $100 / removable collar $11

When the weather outside is frightful … so I’ll work from home, stay cozy &
try not to think about having to run to the market later (ugh, outside). ❄️ 
exact: pullover $109 / sneakers, now $65
sim: shirt $69

Working from home this holiday week, so I am wearing ALL the comfy
things & finding my stretchiest bottoms in prep for the Eat-fest (Thanksgiving)
to ensue later this week. 🍗
sim: pullover, now $19 / hair tie $12 / earrings $48

Casual winter Friday. Little bit of snow out, means cozy jacket required.
Hope you’re all staying safe & warm. ❄️
sim: coat $129 / shirt $59 / boots $99

Spots so nice, I had to wear them twice. 😽
exact: sweater, now $87 / belt $29 / watch $225
sim: top, now $40 / pants $53

Been binging my hub’s current fave show #yellowstone (think Sons of Anarchy,
but with wealthy landowners on horseback), so my outfit today is my (loose)
idea of “Dutton Ranch style”. 🌲
sim: cardigan / boots $58 / bag